How Do I Access My eBook?

Tickle Kitty Press uses the most advanced eBook delivery platform available today—the same technology used by many well known vendors:

Downloading eBooks from Tickle Kitty Press is easy.  You will need two things to read our ebooks which are protected by Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology:


  1. You need to create an Adobe ID if you do not have one already
  2. You will need the right DRM capable software on the device you wish to use.  We know you already paid for your ebooks so we've taken the the time to find the best ebook readers that are FREE to use.
Windows Desktop users:  We recommend Calibre.  Get the software here.


For all other devices and phones, we find that PocketBook is an excellent solution:


Android device users: Download Android PocketBook from the Google Play
Store here.


iPhone/iPad users: Download IOS PocketBook from the Apple Store here.


MacOS Desktop/Laptop users: Download MacOS PocketBook from the Apple Store here.


Please note, these apps will require the you configure the Adobe ID that you created so that it can open the ACSM file you receive in email.  This is how we link the the purchase to you.  Please open the link you received in email from Tickle Kitty with the app you selected.


NOTE: Adobe Digital Editions is Adobe's offering for reading DRM protected books and we previously recommended it on this page. Due to ongoing issues for our readers, we no longer recommend using Adobe Digital Editions.